Mystic Visions: Luminous Colored Pencil Images
by visionary artist, Meryl Ann Butler

otherworldly visions – since 1994. These drawings bridge the physical world with the cosmic world by
imbuing that which is intangible with a sense of pulsating life. The images are meticulously hand drawn on
heavy, acid-free black paper. The dark background symbolizes the deep dimensions of the cosmic soul from
which her lustrous visions emerge into form and light.

1. Mystic Visions of Cosmic Realms, which are based on Meryl Ann’s
intuitions and creative visions inspired in group and private settings.
2. Mystic Visions of Soul Matrix Patterns, which are commissioned
works depicting a specific pattern of an individual or couple

Mystic Visions of Cosmic Realms Gallery
New works added regularly
Energy Vortices
AVAILABLE. $333. I drew the energies I saw around Esther/Abraham while I was in the workshops on the Caribbean cruise…this illustrates one of my favorite Abe phrases, “the energy that creates worlds”. Because I am more of a visual learner (auditory learning is my weakest area), I find that I integrate these concepts better when I have an image to look at, so I usually draw while listening to Abrahams wisdom. I created three of these complex Prismacolor drawings on that cruise, and did a bit of finishing work on them after I got home.
Stream of Wellbeing
AVAILABLE. $333. I was drawing this intuitively during the Abraham NOW live broadcast on April 19, 2023, just following my intuition about colors and shapes, and wondered what I was drawing. Toward the end of the broadcast, Abraham said, “One who is connected to the stream of wellbeing is more powerful than millions who are not” and I knew I had been drawing the Stream! I finished it in the next couple of days.
Mystic Visions Mandala Swirl Energy
AVAILABLE. $333. I drew the energies I saw around Esther/Abraham while I was in the workshops on the March 2023 Caribbean cruise. This is one of my favorite Abraham quotes — I heard it while I was drawing this vortexy energy I was seeing. I created three of these complex Prismacolor drawings on that cruise, and did a bit of finishing work on them after I got home.
Spiral Fire and Bubbles
AVAILABLE. $333. I drew the energies around Esther/Abraham while I was in the workshops on the March 2023 Caribbean cruise. This one feels like the wild and vibrant energy of the vortex about to burst forth into manifestation. I usually make a note of the most meaningful phrases that I hear while I am creating the artwork. My favorite thing that Abraham said while I was drawing this was: “Go to the buffet called Vortex and pluck what you want from it.”
Mystic Perspectives of Stonehenge
AVAILABLE. $389. Stonehenge as seen in side view, with the overlay of the positions of the stones on the ground as a transparent layer on top with a trail of magical energy dancing through. Larger size, 13″ x 13″. Available with blue mat to fit a 16″ x 16″ standard frame. Additional postage required.
Return of the Goddess
AVAILABLE. $333. I experienced and drew this image while attending one of Alex and Allyson Gray’s Chapel of Sacred Mirrors Art Sundays in Wappingers, NY. The Divine Feminine returns to earth amidst the music of the spheres.

Mystic Visions of Soul Matrix Patterns Gallery – Commissioned Images
These are not for sale, they are samples of previously commissioned works

About Mystic Visions Artworks

using the subject line “OVA Mystic Visions Inquiry.”
Please include the name or style of the artwork you are inquiring about.