Research Finds that Art Lowers Stress

Research Finds that Art Lowers Stress

Creating art can lower stress and enhance your wellbeing. Of course, most creative folks already know this, but it’s always satisfying when science catches up. A 2016 Drexel University study found that making art can significantly reduce stress-related...
My Day of the Dead Mural in Sacramento

My Day of the Dead Mural in Sacramento

When I lived in California I fell in love with the Aztec-Mexican holiday, “Día de los Muertos” –“Days of the Dead,”  an amazing celebration of the lives of departed loved ones. It is filled with spiritual joy and excitement, so different...
Transcendental Rhythms: the Platypus Paradox

Transcendental Rhythms: the Platypus Paradox

  I just entered my gouache painting, “Transcendental Rhythms: the Platypus Paradox” in the Virginia Beach Art Center’s “Endangered!” exhibition. One of Australia’s most beloved species, the mystical duckbilled platypus is a...
Monet and Two Theodores – An Impressionist Trio

Monet and Two Theodores – An Impressionist Trio

American Impressionist Theodore Robinson (1852-1896) divided his time between New York and France, where he lived next door to his friend Claude Monet; they often advised each other.  Robinson introduced his friend, artist Theodore Earl Butler (my 6th cousin four...