I took a great online collage workshop at VAWAA (Vacation with An Artist) with Annette Luycx last week, I have taken her inspiring collage workshops several times– always relaxing fun!
We did some guided imagery and inner work to come up with a theme about our life’s purpose, and then were directed to rummage through magazine images to cut and paste images that felt like they illustrated our feelings. Other participants usually use real scissors and magazines, but I do mine digitally in Mac Pages.
This time I used images of my own artwork: my quilt, Bali Dance (renamed, “Catch a Rainbow” by the editors of Simple Quilts & Sewing magazine), my recent acrylic painting, “Light Iris: Homage to Georgia O’Keeffe” (my copy of O’Keeffe‘s 1924 painting), my Prismacolor pencil drawing of Gaia, and a Steiner watercolor veil painting (Which I did several decades ago. It remains unnamed, and I am not sure it is finished! But it features a dancing goddess in the mist.)
I changed the transparencies of these images to create the dreamlike layers of the collage.. The round, purple-ish Earth-like image at the bottom of the collage was created from a kaleidoscopic arrangement of a segment of the veil painting with the colors wildly adjusted!
I played with these images happily in the workshop, and then afterwards, rearranged them a bit more to come up with my final version here!